In a capitalist society, the initiation of force is banned from the interactions between individuals. In a capitalist society, there is no regulation of businesses–no FTC, FDA, SEC, OSHA, or EPA. In a capitalist society, all funding for government is provided voluntarily–no IRS.
You may think, “If funding for government is voluntary, what if nobody volunteers?” The fact is, most people would volunteer, and we have ample evidence of that fact. For now, I will just look at one example.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were approximately 1,046,760 security guards working in the United States in 2008. This is about 163,000 more than the number of police. Americans spend more than $100 billion per year on security alarms, security guards, and other security services, which is twice what is spent by the nation’s police departments combined. These are private, voluntary payments for the express purpose of protecting the rights and property of individuals and businesses.